Web developer

Master a popular profession and earn an average salary of 70,000 ₽ on a remote basis
Find a job in your specialty while taking the course
More than 10 projects in portfolio
Possibility to transfer to another course within two months
Strong developer portfolio
Installment payment without %
The program is updated in 2024
Ability to combine with work and personal affairs

Web development is all about what we see on the screen

The visual realization of any website or application is the result of the work of a Web developer. He makes the product as convenient and understandable for the user as possible
Provided that the Customer-individual fulfills the requirements specified in clauses 6.2.- 6.8 of the Agreement. 6.2.- 6.8 of the Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to assist him/her in employment within 6 (six) calendar months after successful completion of training under the Program. Employment means receiving an offer (an offer to start an employment relationship) from an employer based or having a branch in the city of the Customer's residence, or receiving an offer for a remote job at other locations of the employer, in the specialty of the purchased Service or a related specialty. If the Customer, under all conditions, does not get employed within 6 (six) calendar months after successful completion of training under the Program and there are no circumstances specified in clause 6.9 and clause 6.10 of the Agreement, the Contractor shall refund to the User the paid cost of the Contractor's Services.

See the whole offer

Why go into Web development

The specialty is at the intersection of creativity and precision skills, so you'll be able to bring your most innovative ideas to life
Creative expression
Every company with a website or app needs a Frontend developer. The demand for specialists is growing by 20% annually
Demand on the labor market
In Frontend development, specialists are more often self-employed, as there is a huge number of orders for website and application development on the Internet
A lot of freelance projects

Who will benefit from this course

You will learn in a format from simple to complex. Learn to write code by practicing it and learn important developer skills
Newcomers with no IT experience
Systematize your current knowledge and fill in the gaps. You will start writing code of any complexity after three months of training
Beginning Web-developers
Understand how to use your development experience wisely and learn a new side of the IT field
Specialists from related IT fields
Immerse yourself in the basics of Web development and be able to create web sites or business applications on your own. You will test your ideas and attract more customers
Owners of their own businesses
Understand how to work with HTML and CSS, learn how to improve the user experience and achieve a perfect layout
Use HTML, CSS and work in Figma
Familiarize yourself with JavaScript structures and libraries, write easy-to-read code, and build your first website
Work with JavaScript and the React library
Learn TypeScript and Node.js. Start performing the tasks of both Frontend and Backend developers
Create sites of increased complexity
You will not only layout, but also look for bugs in the work of sites and applications. Master automated and manual testing
Test websites and applications

On the course you will learn how to


Educational platform is a space for students to comfortably study on their way to mastering an IT specialty. Lessons, chats, simulators, homework - everything you need for a full-fledged learning experience is gathered in one place.
AI will help figure it out
AI assistant Eve will explain everything that is not clear. In any topic
Profession knowledge base
A library of knowledge on any topic available to every student, as well as supplemental materials in every lesson
Regularly update content
New program versions, solutions, up-to-date data - the process of improving lessons is continuous
Frameworks for your future work
Each lesson is as close to real practice as possible. A lot of useful documents that will be useful in any job

Comfortable career change

View lessons in video format on the platform. Learning is asynchronous, which means you can study the content at your own pace and return to it at any time.
Topic study
Every month there are workshops with experienced developers, where the topics chosen by students and cases of real companies are analyzed During the workshop you can ask any questions and perform code review online.
Online workshops with experts
Apply the material you have learned in practice. At the end of the course you will have several projects to defend and add to your portfolio.
Homework and project defence
Experienced mentors will monitor your progress, answer questions and help you learn the material. Then, together with the Career Center, you will find an internship and your first job.
Support by an experienced specialist

Course Program

10 months
the duration of the training (8-10 hours per week)
online lesson
100 +
practical tasks with a check
program update year

Introduction to Programming

We offer an Introduction to Programming course to every student. The course is especially useful for beginners without experience

Basics of layout: HTML, CSS + Figma

Master the HTML and CSS tools necessary for a specialist, work with version control systems and delve into user experience development. You will be able to get an internship and take on small freelance website layout projects.
Stage 1

Working with JavaScript

Learn to write code fluently, work with libraries and frameworks, and complete several projects. With the help of the Career Center, you will start looking for a job and get your first interviews
Step #2

Advanced JavaScript

Learn advanced JavaScript features and delve into the React library, which is used extensively to create user interfaces. You will be actively interviewed, work on your mistakes and add projects to your portfolio
Step #3

Advanced Web developer skills

Master advanced and related JavaScript developer tools. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to stand out from other candidates and be prioritized when being selected for a developer position
Step #4
Your future portfolio
Let's develop a Dice application using the React library
Weather output application: let's create an application,
that will randomly generate a weather forecast. We will design it beautifully and add animation if desired
Photo Slider Application. Let's create the first application using the React library
Create an animated timer using additional libraries, learn how to work with animation
Web-gallery project: practice writing code for Frontend purposes using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Calculator application. Let's create our own calculator with advanced functions, practice writing competent code and using various frameworks
Your resume after the course
David Wood
Desired Position: Junior Web-developer
My skills
Confidently use HTML and CSS in my work
I work with SQL and understand database types
I know how to maintain projects in Git and work with version control systems
Proficient in layout tools and able to design in Figma
Researching and improving the user experience
Testing applications of any complexity in JavaScript
Fluent in JavaScript
Web gallery
Experience and cases
Weather app
Animated timer
Photo Slider App
The Dice app
Technology Stack
Salary: from 800$
I use React to build applications
Fluent in TypeScript
Proficient in server-side JavaScript: Node.js
Global Chat app

Learning with is profitable

Tax deduction for all our courses. Detailed information about the conditions of the deduction and the list of required documents - online
Full refund within 21 days of start date if you decide to stop training
Recommend the training to your friends and get 15% of the course cost on your card
Your employer may pay for all or part of your training

Selecting internships
in real companies

We organize part-time internships in partner companies, where you can get practical experience and letters of recommendation

Employment in the process of training

200 +
3.5 months.
of students found a job before the end of the course
partnerships with leading IT companies over 10 years
average time to find a job from the moment of contacting the Career Center
Stages of employment
Definition of a quarry track
Job responses
Preparing for a job search
Let's break down what specialization you want to work in and analyze the job market
We will send a ready resume to partner companies and provide a list of sites with current vacancies
Learn how to craft a strong resume and cover letter with high conversion rates
We'll practice interviewing, speaking coolly about ourselves, and test-taking. We will help you pass your probationary period

We'll transfer to another course if the field doesn't work out.

You can change this course to any other course at no extra cost within two months. Try your hand at several courses and choose what you like.

Cost of training

Paid internships in partner companies
Mentor support during the course
4 meetings
40 meetings
Access to the community of experts
Individual 1:1 meetings with a mentor during training
99 $
83 $
Updating course materials
We guarantee employment
Access to mini-courses in related specialties and skills
We'll help you find jobs, projects or internships and give you workable tools that will stay with you forever. It's spelled out in the offer
Probationary support
Selecting a mentor for your needs from 50+ experts
For those who want to change careers
Creating a career plan for several years ahead
4 one-on-one 1-1 meetings with a mentor throughout the program
Trekking with step-by-step guidance
All advanced tariff options
All base tariff options
40 one-on-one 1-1 meetings with a mentor throughout the program
Individual support by a mentor at all stages of study and employment
For those who need the support of a mentor
For those who need individually supervised instruction

Frequently Asked Questions